I am so thrilled that you have made the choice to come visit my site. I would love for you to get comfortable and stay awhile. Take a peek around and discover the world of annie marie photography!
I am based in Minneapolis and have built my world around what I love most. God. My family. My friendships and my photography business. (ok, and maybe some chocolate once in a while). I truly believe my calling was to create lasting memories for people. Whether that be the beautiful relationships I have formed with my clients, or that perfect photograph that has captured a personality or moment you will now treasure forever. You see... I am not in this for me. I am in this for YOU. I want you to have the best experience from your first hello until you are enjoying your photographs with family & friends.
I get how much you don't like to be in front of a camera. I get that you are busy. I get that you are on a budget. But I also get that people regret not capturing special times until it's too late. A single photograph is worth so much more than the paper. It is a memory brought to life at any moment. When your kids grow up. When your parent is gone. When life changes. You don't get a second chance. Photographs are priceless and I feel honored I get to create that for others.
Enjoy looking around and please feel free to contact me to let me know how you want to be photographed.
take a peek into my galleries & details

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awards, media & recognitions...
Although my number one priority is taking good care of my clients needs... I could never grow and get better if I didn't challenge myself daily. I often enter image competitions to keep me on my toes both creatively and technically. I love learning and feel that I can better serve my clients if I am serving myself as well. Here are just a few of the fun awards and recognitions I have received.